Solis created the Dawn Game, and it has captivated the world. Utilizing augmented reality, players are encouraged to explore the world in search of holographic treasure—with real cash prizes as rewards.
Giving away billions every month, it’s widely regarded as the most generous and revolutionary act by a corporation. Individuals have quit their jobs to play the Dawn Game. The stock market has become drunk on euphoria. Ecstasy beams from every player as they win free money.
But when a friendly family man commits suicide out of nowhere, Booker Vaux is forced to question whether there is a darker side to the Dawn Game. As Booker plunges down the augmented rabbit hole, he discovers a sinister plot that could lead to the deaths of far more people and a revelation that could change the course of human history.
Giving away billions every month, it’s widely regarded as the most generous and revolutionary act by a corporation. Individuals have quit their jobs to play the Dawn Game. The stock market has become drunk on euphoria. Ecstasy beams from every player as they win free money.
But when a friendly family man commits suicide out of nowhere, Booker Vaux is forced to question whether there is a darker side to the Dawn Game. As Booker plunges down the augmented rabbit hole, he discovers a sinister plot that could lead to the deaths of far more people and a revelation that could change the course of human history.