The next book in the Project Renaissance series is set to drop on March 29th barring any catastrophic events. If you’ve read the first two, you won’t want to miss this one.
Brian Gates Books |
I promised myself that I would write on this blog regularly. I have failed miserably in that task, and I am sorry. I find reading and writing novels to be much more stimulating.
Anyway. The next book in the Project Renaissance series is set to drop on March 29th barring any catastrophic events. If you’ve read the first two, you won’t want to miss this one.
I am plodding through the next installment of the Project Renaissance book series. I am aiming for a mid 2023 release, although that may change. Life happens, as you know. The hardest part, deciding on the next title. DM me with ideas.
I am tickled pink by the response I have gotten regarding Door to Nowhere. It's encouraging that not only is the book being downloaded, but you all are pouring through those Kindle Unlimited pages like ravenous dogs on a bone. Keep it up.
For my audio listeners out there, a quick update. Steve White is currently working on DTN on ACX as we speak, and we hope to have it finished by July. Very excited for that result. As always, Steve White is an amazing narrator and I am glad to be working with him again. Cheers, and Happy Summer! Hey guys, check out the new cover art for Project Renaissance: Door to Nowhere. It was created by Emily's World of Design.With each passing day, the threat of nuclear war seems to increase. As Russia continues its bombardment of Ukraine, I stare at the destruction and think.
As a human race, we often view ourselves as more advanced than previous generations. There is a haughty sense of evolutionary progression about our species. We believe we are past things such as war and slaughter. But war, war never changes. And neither do we, not really. Sure, we traded in spears for iPhones and horses for electric cars, but the contents of that squishy gray matter between our ears is the same as it was when we cheered for slaughter in the colosseum and committed genocide. That monster in our heads still exists. We are comfortable, fat, lazy, and we push it into the far recesses of the subconscious. Prefer to pretend it is not there. But we all know it is. Deep down we know. The fact that the monster has had nukes for 70 plus years and managed not to wipe out planet earth with them is nothing short of a miracle. But how much longer can that last? Forever? It only takes one man to start it. One man primal enough to let that sleeping monster out of its cage. One man to press the button and send the world back to the stone age. I reached out to the individual who edited White Wings for me. I extended an offer to have her edit the sequel, Door to Nowhere, but she surprised me by refusing the job. It’s a bit frustrating. I really wanted the same person to edit the whole series, which would make them more likely to catch inconsistencies and plot holes. I don’t want to put down a concrete release date until I have the final edits completed, but hopefully within the next couple of months.
Quick (and long overdue) updated
I'm working on the edits for Project Renaissance: Door to Nowhere. I downloaded Grammarly based on a friend's recommendation. It makes the process MUCH easier. Definitely recommend that add on for any of my fellow authors. I'm hoping to have it out soon. No concrete release date yet. I am still waiting on the cover art to be completed, but the moment it is done, I'll show everyone on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Cheers Sorry it has been so long since the last post. I had been collecting myself after being fired from my day job. I've never been fired before. The impact of having someone point a figure at you and tell you to hit the bricks is rough.
On the bright side, I have had more time to work on the sequel to project Renaissance: White Wings. It will be titled Door to Nowhere. Unless, of course, the alien ray beams controlling my actions determine otherwise. I think you'll enjoy Booker's second adventure. Does anyone else feel like humanity stands on the cusp of some great change? I know I’m not the first to suggest this recently. You’ve got some claiming this feeling stems from the dramatic technological changes our generation is going through, and others pointing to Mercury Retrograde. And everything in between.
Hard to say exactly what the cause is. Some may argue it’s political. The Red/Blue divide is more hostile than ever with tribal politics getting violent. Perhaps we stand on the precipice of a civil war. Or maybe the change is spiritual. Some higher understanding of our natural existence will reveal itself to us in the Age of Aquarius. Perhaps no great alteration will occur at all, and the sensation is perpetuated by the anxiety of our modern life. What are your thoughts? |
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March 2024
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